Kitchen knives - Nordic Knife Design - FI

Nordic Knife Design - FI

Nordic Knife Design Ltd is a Finnish company with a mission to provide customers high end knife blades and knives, where functionality and performance connects with an attractive visual gratificaiton. Even if the company is recently established, our experience in knife design and production falls back more than 20 years. We stand firmly behind our knife blades and knives - created with heart and passsion.

NKD is a trademark protected PRH nr 286536.

Back in the 90´s I went into the knife community as a hobby knife maker. Later on a co-founder of company Brisa, specializing in materials for knife makers. During this time I had the opportunity to learn the knife industry, with all these interesting contacs to manufacturers, dealers and the whole international knife society. With this new company NKD I have the great priviledge of continuing what I like the most. Bringing new reasonable priced products to satisfied customers


Enjoy your knife making

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